1 Year Ago Today...

1 Year Ago Today...

1 year can make a big difference if you consistently put in hard work 


A year ago today I was a broke, stressed and depressed college student. I complained a lot, made myself worry about things that were out of my control, was addicted to doom scrolling on social media and created so much unnecessary stress in my life


I was training inconsistently, and my diet was shit. 

No wonder I was struggling so much in life


In the past 2 years I've completed 75HARD twice which is a program I talk about all the time and cannot recommend enough


So many people view it as a physical transformation but it is so much more than that. This program shapes your mental discipline more than anything and if you stick to all the requirements there is no doubt you will feel like a completely new person after just like I have.


After my first round I thought I was a stronger person mentally and physically. Until I went through the program a second time I noticed even more results.

After going through the program if you do it with intention you will find that many of the rules will stick with you even after you complete the program. Currently I am not on 75HARD (but will be starting again very soon). Even though I'm not currently on the program, I still train every single day, do my cardio, read, eat clean and drink plenty of water. 


Comparing today's version of myself to 1 year ago there is no doubt the person I am today will go much further in life if I had not made the decision to take responsibility for my life and start taking productive action. 


1 year seems like a long time.

"I'll go to the gym tomorrow"
"I start my diet on Monday" 


these are a few examples that seem minor but will lead you down a very slippery slope of your life spiraling out of control. I know this because this is exactly how I used to be. 

Now on days I don't want to exercise I force myself to workout extra hard. When I have a craving for junk foods, I eat my meal preps and feel 100X better. When I feel mind fogged, I drink plenty of water instead of relying on energy drinks everyday. 


Start forming the right habits and your life will change. Build discipline, learn to be patient for your goals and work your ass off every single day.


In 1 year you too will be a completely different person. 

It is always hard at first but you will thank yourself one day.  


It is hard to exercise just like it is hard being overweight. Pick your hard

It is hard to eat healthy just like it is hard to live with cardiovascular disease. Pick your hard. 

It is hard to stay consistent just like it is hard having no control over your life. Pick your hard


If you do what's hard today your future will be easier. If you do what's easy today your future will be much harder. The choice is 100% up to you


If you are looking to change your life and finally get in shape like you've been telling yourself Platinum Training is here to help. 

Fill out the form below to get started: 




Platinum Training Website:


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