My Junior year of college was a complete disaster. I was battling a ton of depression and anxiety, my grades were dropping, I was falling off of my workout routine and I had no self confidence. I knew I could not keep living my life that way and I knew I needed to make a change. 

I decided to go through a mental toughness program called 75HARD designed by Andy Frisella, the CEO of 1st Phorm. This rules of the program are simple, but executing them for 75 days in a row is extremely challenging. 

The 5 Critical Tasks:

Everyday for 75 days, including weekends, holidays, parties, vacations, birthdays etc. there are five tasks you need to complete before your day is over. 

1. Drink a gallon of water 

2. Read 10 pages of a personal development book 

3. Two workouts that are at least 45 minutes, and one has to be outside no matter the weather 

4. Stick to a healthy diet you decide on with ZERO deviation

5. Take a progress photo

If you do not complete even one of the tasks after starting the program, you restart from day 1. 


These tasks are all pretty straight forward, but when times get tough you are going to want to quit. Forcing yourself to stay on track, and developing a zero option mindset is super important to successfully complete this program. When you are doing your outdoor workout in the freezing cold or rain, you feel power and confidence like never before because you are proving to yourself that you are capable of doing something you never thought you could. 

At first I was terrified to do this program because I didn't think I had what it would take to complete it. If this feeling resonates with you, it is an even bigger indication that you should try it yourself! 

After I finished the program I felt like a completely new person. I now have more confidence than ever. I am more productive than I have ever been in my life. My fitness is dialed in and I make zero excuses in my life. Witnessing friends and people around me go through this challenge is truly amazing to witness them achieve the same feelings and results. I finished the program in June, fast forward to September, I still perform all five tasks on a daily basis because they have developed into habits. 

I highly encourage anybody who is not satisfied with their life situation right now to look into this program. No matter what type of work you do or what your goals are in life, developing discipline will make a tremendous difference in your execution and productivity in your daily life. 

Comment below if you have or plan on going through this program. If you already have, what are your takeaways from it and how it benefited your life?

If you have any questions related to fitness feel free to email us at platinum.train1@gmail.com. Keep up the hard work! 

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