Eating Out & Staying Healthy

Eating Out & Staying Healthy

Many people assume when they want to lose weight they have to go on an extremely strict diet 

They immediately start thinking about how they won’t be able to eat any of their favorite foods 


No more pizza. No more cheeseburgers. No more fast food… 


The more you think about all the things you won’t be able to eat anymore the easier it will be to cave in… it’s psychological war against yourself 


The more you fantasize about not being able to eat pizza… The more likely you are going to want pizza until you give in and lose track on your diet 


No doubt if you want to lose body fat, increase muscle mass or become stronger you will need to make healthy food choices


But surprisingly this does not mean you need to give up your favorite foods or stop eating out 


If your fears of cutting out your favorite foods is preventing you from starting this post is for you 



Healthy options when eating out 






Fish & seafood 


Burrito bowl 




Follow the motto “eat for fuel not for pleasure”



Food has turned into comfort and convenience. Everywhere you go there are junk food options 


Most people over eat in quantity and over eat poor quality foods


You can still eat out while being mindful of your goals. 

You don’t have to give up family dinners or special occasions just to reach your goals

Sometimes sacrifices may need to be made but it is not the end of the world 


Learn to balance freedom of doing what you enjoy while making smart choices to keep you on tracK


If there is anything you think we left out let us know in the comments! 




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Keep up the hard work 💪



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