Exposing Weight Training Myths

Exposing Weight Training Myths

I cannot count how many times I've said this statement:

Going to the gym, or having a good physique does not make you a personal trainer! 


I will be graduating with a degree in Kinesiology and concentration in exercise science in May, and have over 3 years of experience working with clients...


I love this industry because it requires lifelong learning! Not a single living person understands everything about the human body...

Which is why it is so frustrating to constantly see people throwing around false information because they feel entitled to since they have workout experience or a good physique...


In this blog I'm going to shoot down common myths I hear and see, and you probably have too! 


Myth 1: Weight training will make women look bulky

The results you achieve are a direct reflection of the type of training you do...

If you train to look bulky, you will eventually look that way... 

But there are so many other types of training styles that can lead to whatever goals and results you want


Truth: Weight training will not always make you look bulky! 



Myth 2: If you want to build more muscle you need to eat/drink more protein

This statement can be true...

Protein does support muscle growth... But only to a certain extent

Everyone has a ceiling as to how much protein your body will actually absorb and utilize for energy... 

Once that amount is met, any excess gets stored as fat or released when you go to the bathroom... 

That's right... Too much protein can actually lead to fat build up! 

Truth: Consuming too much protein can become detrimental to your health for things like kidney function and increased dehydration. The recommended amount of protein intake for adults is 0.8-1g per lb of bodyweight. 


Myth 3: More is better 

I know people who go to the gym for hours...

They act surprised when they don't see results or hit a plateau...

There are 2 things equally as important as consistently training...

Rest/recovery and nutrition... 

It is all apart of one equation where all these things need to be in check for you to get the results you want... 

If you exclude even just one category from your program and lifestyle, you will likely not reach your goals


Truth: Overtraining increases your risk of developing injury, does not give your body adequate time to recover, and can lead to decreased performance. 



Myth 4: Going to the gym or having a good physique will make you a good trainer

Knowing how to drive a car well does not make you a mechanic...

Just like knowing how to cook a meal does not make you a chef... 

There is so much knowledge and information a trainer needs to know other than just looking good... 

You need to know how to cue proper form, how to design custom workout programs, understand special conditions and populations, and so much more...

The fact is these type of people have big egos and don't know what they don't know... 

This is a selfish way of thinking that prioritizes yourself over your clients, and as a trainer your clients always come first. 

Truth: Going to the gym and exercising is very important, but a good trainer has knowledge, experience, and an education to back up their skills.  


Myth 5: Supplements will help you reach your goals faster

I'm going to come right out and say it...

Many supplements are completely useless! 

Supplement companies have become experts at marketing and they sell to desperate people who want to reach their goals and don't know any better...

Many of these brands are predators for innocent people who don't understand the supplement won't do what the company says it will... 

Many fat burners do not help you lose weight... Creatine is not necessary if you drink enough water... Sleep support supplements can throw off your bodies normal cycle...

Many people who abuse supplements also have very poor diets and use it as a reason to compensate for poor nutrition...


Truth: Many supplements are not effective and a waste of money. Some can even become harmful to your health if abused. A balanced diet paired with proper sleep schedule and a consistent training routine is the most efficient way to reach your goals!


If you learned something from this post share it with a friend. Try applying this information to your life and see what progress you make. Evaluate yourself honestly and see where you can make improvements...


Keep up the hard work! 


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