How Long Does It Take To See Results?

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

Do you ever wonder how some people have amazing physiques when it seems like they are doing the same exact things you are?


If you want to lose weight, get stronger, pack on more muscle, or relieve your pain, consistency is the #1 requirement 


Any person you see who is in great shape has been working hard for it consistently for a very long time. 


You may be doing the same things, but are you wondering off track more than you should, or are you not following the protocol 100% of the time? 


Results will speak for themselves. You can't lie or pretend like you are doing everything perfect if you are not making progress. 


If you are doing everything how you should; training every single day, eating clean, drinking water, and getting good sleep, you are putting the process of change and progression on autopilot. 


It is not so much the physical condition, but more so the habits that you have formed that got you to that point. 


Obviously it depends how big your goals are and what your current condition is. If you want to lose 100 lbs it is going to take a lot longer than someone wanting to lose 10 lbs. 


If you tore the labrum in your hip it will take much longer to rehab than someone dealing with low back pain due to weak glutes. 


If you skip days because you don't feel like it, give yourself cheat meals as a reward for your hard work, don't drink water, carry lots of stress, and don't get enough or good quality sleep, you will deal with lots of frustration and not see much results at all


No matter what your goals are if you are not consistent you will not reach them. Plain and simple. 


You can make all the excuses you want about how hard it is or how you don't have the time but your body does not care. The extra body fat you have won't go away because you're too busy. You either put in the work to drop the weight or nothing changes. 


Working out needs to become an integrated part of your daily life no matter what. 


Yes life is tough. Work is stressful, bills need to be paid, kids have to be at sports every day. 


On those hard days do you still take a shower? Do you still brush your teeth? Do you still give yourself time to watch TV? 

You need to get to a point where even when life gets hard you don't even think about or question whether you are going to workout or not. It is non negotiable just like those other things mentioned. 


This is literally the only guarantee in the world that will help you get the results you want so badly. No pill, no pain shot, no shortcuts and no workout fads will get you there. 


Fitness is a lifelong process. If you set a goal to lose 10lbs and work your butt off to get rid of it, then you fall off your routine the weight will come right back on. 

It doesn't matter if you like it or agree with it, that is how the human body works. 

To answer the question "How long does it take to see results?"


Much longer than you anticipate. For short term goals it can be anywhere from 1-6 months. Longer term goals can take well over a year. To make those results stick forever you must stay consistent for the rest of your life.


There is no finish line to when you can stop. 


Cold. Hard. Truth.

The sooner you can realize and accept that, the sooner you can develop the right mindset and get to work. 



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Keep up the hard work 💪

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