How Long Should Your Workouts Be?
You do not need to spend multiple hours in the gym everyday if you are looking to get in shape
You do not need to run for an hour on the treadmill after you lift weights for 2 hours
But you also can't workout for 5 minutes and expect to see noticeable differences
45 minutes - 1 hour is plenty for most people
If you can't sacrifice one hour of your day to exercise open the settings in your phone and check your screen time.
Or track how many episodes you watch every day from your favorite shows
Some of the busiest people in the world workout everyday because they know how important it is to be in shape mentally and physically.
Everyone has time to workout or the results you believe you want are not as important as you say
If you are training 1-2 main muscle groups per workout and do 4-5 exercises with a 30 second - 1 minute rest time you can get in a killer workout in under an hour no problem.
This is how you train smart and efficiently.
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Keep up the hard work 💪