Lifting With Intention
You can't rush a workout just to say "I did it"
You can't just go through the motions and expect to get amazing results
If you want to see changes made to your body and mind, you need to exercise with intention
How do you train with intention?
1. Push yourself
You don't need to go balls to the wall every single workout, but you do need to challenge yourself. With that being said your workouts cant be easy and you expect to see major changes made
To put this into perspective, many people are familiar with the RPE scale (rate of perceived exertion). It basically means ranking from 1-10, 1 being super easy and 10 being super difficult. If you are to rank the intensity of your workouts on this scale I would not recommend going any lower than a 6 for the most part if you want to make physical changes
2. Slow down your tempo
There is no point of doing sets of 10-12 reps or higher if you are just racing to get to the end. If you rush your sets just to get them over with you are missing the point. Slowing down your tempo for any exercise, especially the eccentric portion of the lift can lead to amazing results in itself.
If you are going through an exercise also and are not feeling the muscle you are targeting engage, go through it very very slowly and I bet you'll notice a difference in not only how it feels, but strength and muscle definition as well.
3. Perform challenging exercises
All of your workouts should not only consist of machines, or easy exercises you like doing. For example, many people love lat pull-downs but hate doing pull-ups. If you are to compare these two exercises, pull-ups will offer much greater results if your goal is strength or muscular definition
The exercises you are avoiding are the ones that will give you the results you are looking for
My favorite exercises falling under this category: Squats, split squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, hip thrusts, chin-ups, push-ups, dips, rows, planks, side planks
4. Your mindset
If you live in your head a lot like I do, many of you can relate the feeling of not wanting to lift because of whatever reason...
You're too busy, tired, stressed, frustrated, or whatever it may be
If you can't get in a clear head space before your workout I would wait if possible... Notice I said wait, not skip! Push your workout later in the day and try to get in a good mindset going into your lift for better results
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Keep up the hard work! 💪