No B.S Guide To Getting Jacked
Everyone wants to be in good shape, but few people are willing to put in the work it requires.
The requirements for getting in the best shape of your life are actually very simple. But following through on those is the difficult part. You cannot pick and choose which things you follow on this list, if one aspect is neglected chances are you won't see major changes
Requirements for getting jacked
#1. Consistency
Starting off you should aim to strength train at least 3 days a week, and ideally after some time being able to increase that to 4-5 days per week of resistance training. You should also be doing cardio most days. Walking definitely counts, you do not have to sprint as fast as you can, and you don't need to go for hours... It's the consistency part that is more important than the intensity! Do this on a weekly basis for a couple years and you will be a different human.
#2. Train hard
You don't need to train at a level 10 intensity every workout, but you do need to push yourself to a certain extent. If your workouts are a walk in the park for you it would be a good idea to increase the intensity. Some ways you can do that are; increase the weight you use, shorten your rest times between your sets, add supersets/circuits, or add more volume to your workouts.
#3. Eating clean majority of the time
This is the big one most people get wrong. Lots of people think exercising alone will lead you to your goals, but I always say you can never out train a bad diet. If you fuel your body with garbage, that's what your body will reflect no matter how hard you train.
#4. Do the hard exercises
When I see people at the gym, so many times I see them walk through the door and the very first thing they do is go for a bicep curl machine or start doing chest flys... If you want to get lean and build muscle you need to be performing compound lifts such as; squats, chest presses, military presses, and deadlifts. These are where most of the results come from, not machines that don't take a whole lot of effort to use. Secondary exercises you perform after those compound lifts can be; lunges, split squats, lateral raises, RDL's, pull-ups, etc. Aim for the hard exercises most people avoid because they are uncomfortable.
#5. Establish a strong foundation
The more lean and jacked you become the more wiggle room you will earn in your life. Someone who is in great shape will be less affected by having a cheat meal than someone who is out of shape looking to become lean. Once you establish a strong foundation and get closer to your goals, the more you will be able to enjoy what you eat while making less sacrifices... To be clear this does not mean you can eat whatever you want still.
#6. Make exercising apart of your lifestyle
Exercising is not a destination. Once you reach your goals, if you quit it will not take long for those results to slip away. If your goal is to get a six pack and once you see it you go back to your old lifestyle of eating poorly and not exercising, it will not last. Reach a point in your life where you feel guilty taking a day off when you know you're supposed to train and you will be golden.
#7. Increase your protein intake
Protein is one of the most important macros for losing weight and building muscle. It has so many benefits especially if you're looking to get lean and pack on muscle. Chances are if you're under eating protein in your diet, you are overeating other not so good sources like carbs or fats, which if you consume excess will work against you. Aim to get your protein from whole foods, if you struggle or are unable to protein powders are great too.
#8. Prioritize free weights over machines
If you're not comfortable with your form using free weights machines are a good start. If able to you should try to use as much free weights as you can. They require much more control and recruit more muscle groups which will help you build more muscle and lose more weight compared to machines. Not that machines are bad, but free weights no doubt have more benefits.
So many people overlook the importance of getting enough good quality sleep. Aim for 6-8 hours every night. When we sleep is when our bodies actually recover. Not when you are stretching, not while you are eating, and not when you're relaxing. Sleep is where the magic happens not only for your gains, but to refuel your body for the next days workout also.
Most people already know the things they need to do to reach their goals. It is hard to follow through on them though.
Building discipline will always be the best way to guarantee you reaching those goals
If you need help designing your workouts Platinum Training is here to help!
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