The Best Workouts Are Boring
Modern day fitness has turned into a competition who can invent the fanciest looking exercise in the gym or get the most attention online
Whether it's finding different ways to use machines or coming up with ridiculous looking movements that nobody has ever seen before and they think it's special or a secret exercise nobody knows about
The truth is the best and most effective workouts are basic and boring
You don't need to be in the gym for hours every single day and you don't have to run miles on the treadmill
Keep it stupid simple. Stick to the basics. Do the stuff that has been proven to work over and over for so many people
Squats, deadlifts, lunges, split squats, calf raises
Pull ups, lat pull downs, rows, reverse flys
Military press, lateral raises, front raises, face pulls
Bench press, incline press, push ups, flys
Chin ups, dips, bicep curls, hammer curls
Dead bugs, bird dogs, pallof press, planks, side planks, farmer carry, leg raises
Nothing fancy. Nothing crazy. Simple and effective exercises that have been around for decades. Don't reinvent the wheel when it works.
The reality is many people avoid every exercise on this list because they are hard. The harder a movement is the more you should be doing it.
Despite what you see on social media, there is no secret exercise that will help you lose weight faster.
There are no special exercises you can do to target specific areas of body fat.
There are no shortcuts.
Day in day out you need to work your ass off and give the process time.
A basic strength and conditioning program paired with a quality diet will always be your best bet to reach your fitness goals no matter what they are.
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Keep up the hard work 💪