The Importance of Delayed Gratification in Fitness
You can go to the gym for the first time and have a great workout…
After the workout if you look in the mirror you will notice no changes…
You can go to the gym for months and have this same experience…
But at some point there will come a time where you can undeniably notice the progress you’re making…
Whether your muscles are growing or you are losing weight…
It may take a few months…
or it may take a few years…
Once you understand this concept the process will become easier and feel less like a chore‼️
Delayed gratification is very important because you must learn to understand great things will take time…
No matter how hard you work or how long you workout for you will never notice short term results
Accept delayed gratification…
Know that if you put in the work day in and day out it will be impossible to not reach your goals!