Why Great Clients End Up With Bad Trainers
As a personal trainer it is very sad and unfortunate when I go to the gym and see a trainer working with a client who clearly does not know what they are doing.
Today's fitness industry has come down to who can create the most complex exercises and who can make their client sweat the most. It has also boiled down to a point where anyone who goes to the gym or has a good physique believes they are a trainer. This is beyond insulting to trainers who truly care for their clients success and are passionate about making a difference. I've said it many times before, going to the gym yourself or having a good physique DOES NOT qualify you as a trainer.
Why do great clients end up working with bad trainers?
False promises:
Many trainers will do everything they can to sell their clients by convincing them they will help them lose 20lbs in a few weeks or add 50lbs to their squat in one month etc. The reality is that results take time. This is the reason I do not sell training packages for anything less than 6 months.
No education:
Anyone is capable of becoming a personal trainer. The only requirements are to pass an exam by an accredited program. However, just because you pass the exam does not guarantee you will be a good trainer. The real learning doesn't start until you are working with clients and gain real world experience. Many trainers think that when they pass the exam their learning is done. This is what separates bad trainers from great trainers.
Cheap rates:
The easiest way to get a client through the doors is by lowering or offering low cost programs or training sessions. This backfires on both the client and trainer. When a client buys into a training program with a trainer for a low rate, it will be much easier for them to fall off track, skip sessions, or give up because it does not cost them a lot of money and they feel as if it's no big deal. Also this leaves a trainer working hard and making no money. When you offer higher priced packages, the client will be much more likely to show up everyday and stay consistent with the training regiment because they paid a lot of money for it and want to get the most out of their investment, and also the trainer gets to make more money.
Clients being mislead:
Clients who don't know any better assume that if they are tired and sweating after a workout that it was an effective workout. The reality is that anyone can make you feel sore and sweat, that does not necessarily mean you are going to see the results you are looking for. You need structure in your program that aligns directly with your goals otherwise you can be putting in a lot of hard work and not see the progress you are looking for.
Platinum Training has extensive experience working with clients on losing weight and building muscle. If you or someone you know is looking to make changes to their body please let them know about Platinum Training! I know we can help you get to where you want to be!
As always if you have any questions you can email us at platinum.train1@gmail.com
Keep up the hard work!