Why Resistance Training is the Best Way to Build Muscle & Lose Weight

Why Resistance Training is the Best Way to Build Muscle & Lose Weight

It is obvious to most people that lifting weights will eventually lead to building muscle mass with consistency and time...

What may surprise people is that resistance training, AKA weight training, is one of the best ways to lose weight!


Here's why...


Most people assume performing cardio is the best bet to lose weight and burn fat...


The problem with cardio is it utilizes rhythmic patterns that incorporate the same muscle groups...


When you weight train, you are able to target more of a diversity of muscle groups and provide more of a challenge to them...


The science is in the recovery!


After you workout your muscles and body go through several stages of the muscle rebuilding process...


This process uses energy that must come from somewhere...


It comes from calories! Which is exactly what the goal is for people who perform cardio... to burn more calories 


The reality is resistance training might not seem obvious, but in reality it is one of the best methods for overall weight loss because of the amazing things your body goes through once the workout is finished! 

If you are someone looking to lose weight and focus mainly on cardio, I would highly recommend including weight training paired with cardio to get the benefits of each! 


If you are interested in a customized workout program Platinum Training will create an effective resistance training and cardio section that will help you crush your fitness goals! 

Fill out our google form or message us at platinum.train1@gmail.com









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