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Many people assume that the bench press primarily works your chest (pectoralis) muscles. While this assumption is true to an extent, I argue that the bench press is a full body exercise. People having this misunderstanding can limit the amount of weight they are able to press dramatically. I am going to go over some tips that can help blow up the weight of your bench press TODAY!   Feet flat: When you are setting yourself up to perform the bench press some people like to press only their toes into the ground while pressing the weight. This can hurt...

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Are you someone who is trying to lose weight and thinks the best way to do it is by running on the treadmill for a long period of time?  What if I told you there is a way to see better results by doing less cardio?  Seems too good to be true right? Let me explain.    High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a common method that has been getting more attention in recent years. This type of cardio is performed by alternating between a higher intensity level of resistance or speed for a short period of time, followed by a lower...

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My Junior year of college was a complete disaster. I was battling a ton of depression and anxiety, my grades were dropping, I was falling off of my workout routine and I had no self confidence. I knew I could not keep living my life that way and I knew I needed to make a change.  I decided to go through a mental toughness program called 75HARD designed by Andy Frisella, the CEO of 1st Phorm. This rules of the program are simple, but executing them for 75 days in a row is extremely challenging.  The 5 Critical Tasks: Everyday for 75 days, including weekends,...

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Many people believe that having a good physique qualifies them to be a personal trainer. If you are a certified personal trainer and have done the requirements to legally become one, you know how frustrating and insulting it is when someone says they can be a personal trainer because they workout. There are endless conditions and special populations trainers are safely taught to work with to help clients reach their goals without increasing their risk for injury.  Some important questions you should ask a trainer before you agree to work with them:Are you a certified personal trainer? If the answer...

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If you are someone who says you can't exercise because you don't have time or are too busy, this post is for you. Hopefully these tips I've discovered over my exercise journey can be implemented into your life and help you make the changes you're looking for.    Tip 1: Plan ahead  If the opportunity comes to exercise but you don't have a lot of time, being unsure of what workout or exercises to do can lead to you not exercising at all. If possible, write out your workout routine the day before so when the time comes you will be...

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