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The Importance of Delayed Gratification in Fitness
You can go to the gym for the first time and have a great workout… After the workout if you look in the mirror you will notice no changes… You can go to the gym for months and have this same experience… But at some point there will come a time where you can undeniably notice the progress you’re making… Whether your muscles are growing or you are losing weight… It may take a few months… or it may take a few years… Once you understand this concept the process will become easier...
Why You Should Hire An Expensive Personal Trainer
If you pay a personal trainer as little as $15 per workout session, there is not much motivation... It will be very easy to skip workouts and not feel guilty about it... If you pay for a premium personal trainer, you will be much more accountable and likely to follow through due to the higher investment... Most people are scared to spend money, but fitness can change every aspect in your life! The investment is worth it! It is important not to just search for any personal trainer that charges high rates… They need to have...
My Favorite Exercises
You do not have to perform tons of different exercises during each workout for it to be effective... In reality, you can perform as little as 2-3 exercises per muscle group in any given workout and can lead to shocking results over time... Believe it or not, doing too much can set you back further instead of helping you progress... You also do not have to focus on creating the most fancy looking exercise in the gym, or do things that may look cool you see online... Performing basic and common exercises that have been done for...
The Best Ways to Build Muscle
I get questions from people all the time that have been going to the gym consistently for several years and do not make much progress with the weight they are using or their physique. I am going to go over some simple yet very effective methods and strategies you can implement into your workout routines that will help you break through plateaus, increase the weight you use during your lifts, and see changes in your body. 1. Progressive Overload This is proven to be on of the most effective methods for building strength and muscle As you workout, your...
The Best Ways To Avoid Injury
Over 85% of people have some type of pain in their body. It has come to a point where in society it is normalized to have some type of pain. Most people chose to ignore it in hopes that it will go away on its own, or they act after it is too late where they've been dealing with the injury for a long time. If they do act on it, it is common to do simple things that are not proven to help like ice, rest, or foam roll. These are simply bandaids, not permanent fixes for your...