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If you've ever experienced pain or an injury and gone to see a doctor, how many of you have been told to "stop working out" or "take some time away from the weights" or "rest and let your pain go away first"    In theory all these statements make sense     In this post I'm going to explain why if you have pain, resting is the last thing you should do and moving/exercising is the best thing you should do      If you have a skeletal muscle injury, chances are it came from a movement fault, or a muscle...

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It is no surprise that over half of the U.S population is overweight The world has been designed to get us to this here   In this post I'm going to break down some main reasons why we have gotten to this point       Convenience: Fast food, frozen food, and junk food have all become so easy to find anywhere you go. It's so easy to sit in your car and go through a drive-thru at McDonalds instead of cooking a healthy meal at home. It's very easy to buy a frozen pizza and throw it in the oven. And...

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It is one thing to get in good shape, but it is another thing to sustain that hard work you put in to maintain that physique for a long period of time   When you set a goal to reach a certain weight on the scale, look a certain way, fit into a specific size clothing, or lift a certain amount of weight... when you achieve the goal you set do you then stop?   Absolutely not You keep raising the bar and set new goals to continue improving     In this post I'm going to share the top tips...

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It makes total sense to think if you want to get big and strong you need to lift heavy weights      In this post I am going to explain why that is not true and why lifting lighter weights can actually be better for the results you're looking for      Common faults when lifting heavy:    Momentum- This takes away muscle contribution and is an easy way to "cheat" and make a exercise easier. When you use momentum 99% of the time other muscles will work into whatever movement you are doing to help execute the lift, and...

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What is anterior pelvic tilt? Anterior pelvic tilt appears as an overextension in the low back (lumbar spine). Depending on the severity of the condition it may go unnoticed to you or other people, but it can be a serious problem for lifters.    Imagine your body being cut in half at your waist. In a neutral pelvic position a glass of water should balance upright. If you are dealing with anterior pelvic tilt, that glass of water would spill forward in front of you.     What causes anterior pelvic tilt?  APT occurs from a few different causes. Mainly it stems...

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