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Modern day fitness has turned into a competition who can invent the fanciest looking exercise in the gym or get the most attention online    Whether it's finding different ways to use machines or coming up with ridiculous looking movements that nobody has ever seen before and they think it's special or a secret exercise nobody knows about    The truth is the best and most effective workouts are basic and boring   You don't need to be in the gym for hours every single day and you don't have to run miles on the treadmill     Keep it stupid...

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You do not need to spend multiple hours in the gym everyday if you are looking to get in shape   You do not need to run for an hour on the treadmill after you lift weights for 2 hours   But you also can't workout for 5 minutes and expect to see noticeable differences   45 minutes - 1 hour is plenty for most people    If you can't sacrifice one hour of your day to exercise open the settings in your phone and check your screen time.  Or track how many episodes you watch every day from your...

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This is finally the year... You are going to get in shape this time You are going to go to the gym every day You are going to eat healthy  You are going to lose the body fat and build muscle    Or at least that's what plenty of people say every other year  But what is actually different this time than every other time you've said it?   Instead of trying to run away from your current situation, focus on moving towards a better version of yourself. Make it a positive change instead of a negative change    Don't...

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We live in a world where everyone is constantly in a rush  Nobody is present  We go through most of our lives with no intention behind what we do We overlook so many things   When we are driving we think about work. When we are at work we think about our weekend plans. When we are on vacation we think about our bank account. Rarely ever present in the moment    It is no wonder stress, anxiety and depression are so common    Slow down. Breathe. Be present in everything you do    Working out in itself is a form...

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Out of all the macronutrients there is one that plays a major role in nearly all fitness goals: Protein   If you want to build strength, you need to be eating plenty protein  If you want to get bigger, you need to be eating plenty of protein If you want to lose body fat and become leaner, you need to be eating plenty of protein     Why protein is so important: Protein helps our bodies build lean tissue opposed to fat tissue. Main sources of protein tend to be low in carbs which makes it easier to do all the things listed above; build...

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