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"I don't feel like working out"                                                                                  "I'm too stressed""Fast food is convenient""I have other important things to do besides exercising"   When you look at someone else who is fit and someone else who is fat 100% of people if they had to choose who they would rather be want to be the fit person   Everyone wants the end...

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There are many more people who workout and don't ever see results compared to people who do... Why is that?   The people who complain they're not seeing results are usually the ones who swear they are doing everything they should be when it comes to exercising and nutrition... After digging deeper into many people's situations they tend to expose exactly why they don't see any results     The most common reasons people don't see results even when they train and diet       1. Not consistent If you only workout when you feel like it you will...

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1 year can make a big difference if you consistently put in hard work    A year ago today I was a broke, stressed and depressed college student. I complained a lot, made myself worry about things that were out of my control, was addicted to doom scrolling on social media and created so much unnecessary stress in my life   I was training inconsistently, and my diet was shit.  No wonder I was struggling so much in life   In the past 2 years I've completed 75HARD twice which is a program I talk about all the time and...

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"This is going to be my year” "I'm finally going to get in shape"                                                                        "It's January I'm feeling motivated"                                                                            "New year new me"     Aren't these things...

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There are a lot of false statements that you hear getting thrown out by lots of people in the fitness space  And it may be a surprise to you that many of them are false    Here are some of the most common fitness stereotype myths I hear:      Men-   #1. Cardio will kill my gains Cardio is great for everyone. You don't need to walk for an hour on the treadmill or do sprints but you should be doing some type of cardio. It has many benefits for your heart health, increasing blood flow & nutrient delivery...

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